Entries in Point Reyes (3)



Another long pause on the blog... apologies!  I have been working on a number of projects, personal and otherwise.  One of those includes updating my landscape portfolio and adding another portfolio which should be up soon!  As I looked through images from this last year I found this landscape from China Camp State Park and a seascape from Point Reyes that I took a couple months ago during a long, but gorgeous, 11.5 mile hike... Thought I would post them now.






Yesterday on my day off Mike and I were finally able to go hiking in Point Reyes National Seashore.  It was absolutely amazing.  We walked along the coast trail to the beach, walked along the beach for about 2 miles and then picked up the fire lane trail back to our car.  It was a fun day of exploring.  We saw rabbits, a fox, and this raven which I photographed for a while and then left alone.  As we continued our walk I turned around to find the raven following us.  It was clearly curious and I wish I had a different lens because I was able to get ridiculously close to this bird.  The experience reminded me of an article I read in Time Magazine, called, "Inside the Minds of Animals".